I am the father of a 3 year old angel with autism. We have a 2 year old neuro-typical son as well. I can tell you that when he was “diagnosed” at 1.5 yrs old, we were both devastated. My mind ran the gamut from why did it happen to us? how did this happen? are we to blame? will he ever lead a normal life? who will take care of him when we’re gone? Etc. etc. etc…
Eventually, I accepted that he has autism and that I would do everything in my power to help him recover. We tried ABA with Discrete Trial, Floortime, Biomedical, GFCFSF, and it seemed nothing was working. If anything, I felt as though he was slipping further away emotionally from constantly being pushed to do what we wanted him to do, and hardly being allowed to be truly free to do what he wanted.
It wasn’t until we discovered the Son-Rise Program through a friend of a friend who was running a Son-Rise Program for his own son, that we finally found something that felt good right down to the bottom of our souls. We tried using some of the techniques with him and he immediately responded in ways he had never before shown us. We went to the Son-Rise Program Start-Up training (at separate times) and, for the past 8 months, have been running a Son-Rise Program in our home while we continue his biomedical & nutritional diet and supplementation.
Our son went from non-verbal to having more than 200 words. He went from not wanting to interact with me or anyone else besides his mom to greeting me every day with big hugs and kisses. As soon as I get home, he pulls me into his playroom to tickle him, jump with him, or to play with his toys. I’m amazed at how far our son has come in just a few months!
Son-Rise has done so much for our family and for me personally. It has shown me how to WANT the world for my son but not NEED anything from him. It has shown me how to be completely PRESENT with him during our playtime. It has shown me how to be absolutely loving and non-judgmental of his beautiful “isms”. It has shown me how to allow my son to be MY TEACHER and connect with him in HIS WORLD so I can begin to show him the way to OUR WORLD. It has shown me that by taking charge of my beliefs, I can CHOOSE HAPPINESS anytime I desire, regardless of the STIMULUS the world life throws at me.
Most importantly, my son and his Son-Rise Program have shown me how to apply all of these things to my entire life. In doing so I’ve become a better father, a better husband, a better friend, a better Christian, and a better man. Thank you Ka’eo, Jr. for showing me the true beauty of life and love!